The Gallery

The Gallery Jacques Bailly was inaugurated in 1973 with an exhibition of the works of André Masson. This began an enriching pictorial journey to discover and exhibit different artistic expressions which have marked twentieth century painting. Jacques Bailly has also exhibited the works of modern and contemporary painters such as Raoul Dufy, André MassonJacques Villon, Marc Devade and Jean-Pierre Pincemin

Nowadays, the Gallery’s activity centers upon exhibitions of post-impressionist and Ecole de Paris artists, with special emphasis on the works of Jean Dufy.

Jacques Bailly is the world expert of painter Jean Dufy’s artwork and delivers authenticity certificates to leading auction houses (Christie’s, Sotheby’s…). He is currently preparing the catalogue raisonné of Jean Dufy’s life work in collaboration with the artist’s family (Volume I, Volume II and Volume III now available).

Several paintings representing the artist’s favorite subjects can currently be seen at:, together with a list of the Gallery’s recent acquisitions.
